This display by Ballarat & District Genealogy in the Ballarat Library ran from November 2015 to February 2016. Start in the main foyer where there is a mobile cabinet with examples from the ALLAN-BINNS photographic collection. This was recently donated to the Society by Leanne Bailey. Does anyone remember these sisters? Miss Alison ALLAN (1906-1986) who taught at Ballarat High School and fellow teacher, Isa ALLAN (1904-1986), daughters of David ALLAN and Isabella (ROBERTSON) of Newlyn. Their son Alexander ALLAN (1910-1992) carried on the family farm. Please tell us about this family and their cousins the BINNS family. We would like to know more about them.
In the Australiana Research Reference Room a variety of old world treasures are exhibited in the 5.5m long glass cabinet. See the glass slide projector converted from gas to electricity in early 1900s and an early wooden camera dated 1894 on loan from Max Harris.
Patricia Bachelor of Gatt Photography has contributed an 1867 family portrait of John ROBERTS, Elizabeth Jane (MOYLE) and their baby Francis Samuel ROBERTS (with his birth certificate) taken by Henry GLENNY, "Artiste, Dublin and Melbourne Portrait Rooms, 114 Main Road, Ballarat East". This item was rescued from under a house and later an A4 glass plate was found. GLENNY is not listed in the usual directories of photographers but we have found he was a Renaissance man with a most interesting life story.
Other Ballarat professional photographers include Cora Beatrice (WILLETTS) FRASER who continued taking photos after her husband Leonard died in 1914. We show carte de vistes by RICHARDS & Co. who produced many thousands of family photos over several decades. Read his story and see a present day image of his premises at the bottom of Sturt Street. Also note a SOLOMON & BARDWELL advertisement beautifully engraved by F W NIVEN and a superb example by CHUCK Photography of 230 portraits of Ballarat Pioneers. Are your ancestors among them? We have the names.
Can you tell us anything about the large gathering of people for a bicycle race from the Golf House Hotel to the Windermere Hotel in 1899-1900? This photo was donated by Michael Chambers who would like to know the history of the Windermere area for a future refurbishment of this pub.
Finally we suggest where to find help in dating old family photographs.
See also UNIDENTIFIED PHOTOS on the BDGS website at www.ballaratgenealogy.org.au/ballarat-history/unidentified
For further information please contact Jennifer Burrell at
A FORGOTTEN Ballarat nurse from the First World War has had a plaque installed on her previously unmarked grave in a special commemorative service at the Ballarat Old Cemetery on Saturday.
Annie Maynard Westcott was 24 years of age when she commenced her training at the Ballarat Base Hospital on January 16th 1899. Conditions at the Ballarat & District Base Hospital at this time were extremely harsh. Wards and nurses quarters were damp, unhygienic and appallingly dilapidated with ceilings coming down, floors wearing out and with a threat of closure due to the absence of toilets and appropriate sanitation.
More information is available to members of the group when they login to the website to discover the hidden gems available.
In February 2016 John Barrett donated to the Ballarat & District Genealogical Society a document collection in the name of his father Roy Clifford BARRETT (1913-2005) son of William BARRETT and Laura May (CHIBNALL) of Ballarat, and husband of Edna Mary (KELSO). These documents, dating from 1858 to 1934, have been in the family for six generations and will be on permanent loan to the Society to display and to share with others. In the process of cleaning out the family home for sale the value of these historical documents was recognised and we agreed to take good care of them as important items in our collection which in 2019 was relocated to the Eureka Centre, Ballarat East.
The full collection can be viewed by members.
An Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program Commemorative Grant from the Commonwealth Government enabled Ballarat & District Genealogical Society to undertake this project about civilians at home here in Ballarat who contributed to the Great War effort. Organisations formed for that purpose recruited men women and children whose names will now be readily found in this HFBWW1 database with details of their involvement. Research is revealing the commitment of some 2000 residents of Ballarat and District to support those overseas nearer the front line.
The Home Front people were not only "keeping the home fires burning" as in the popular war time song, they were actively engaged in many fundraising groups under the umbrella organisation of the Australian Comforts Fund. During this time many local families received tragic news and so the began the commemorative work culminating in the magnificent Avenue of Honour and the Arch of Victory at its eastern entrance. More info on the arch can be found here
The project was launched on Saturday 7th May 2016 as a special event for Ballarat Heritage Weekend.
Ballarat & District Genealogical Society is very pleased to announce that this massive index spanning 65 years has been digitally transformed and is now fully searchable. Just in time for Ballarat Heritage Weekend it will be installed on all computers in the Australiana Research Room at the Ballarat Library. Visitors only will be given privileged access. This Index will not be available on the internet.